Monday, June 4, 2018

Parables of Jesus Study Guide #9 (Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)

Share  your Highs and Lows for the week or since your last meeting

Read  the Lesson (Matthew 18: 21-35)

Talk  and discuss among the following questions:

1) What image / person / situation stood out to you in the story and why? What did it make you feel or understand about God?

2)  Consider and share a story of forgiveness, either when you received forgiveness or when you offered forgiveness?

3)  Why do you believe it is hard to offer forgiveness to others?  Why do you believe it is hard to offer forgiveness to yourself?

4)  Why do you believe it is hard to ask for forgiveness?   

5)  There is great power in forgiveness.  How might your family, community, congregation, or even the world be better if there was more forgiveness?

Pray  with and for each other (you can use the Lord's Prayer or sing the Doxology)

Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on each other's forehead and saying "The Lord Bless You and Keep You!"

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