Read the Lesson (Luke 18: 1-8)
Talk and discuss among the following questions:
1) What image / person / situation stood out to you in the story and why? What did it make you feel or understand about God?
2) When a rotten person does the right thing, how do you feel? Have you ever been the "rotten person" from another's perspective? If so, have you tried to do right by them?
3) Have you ever gone to God over and over again with the same request? How did you feel doing that? Did you receive the answer you were hoping for? If so, discuss what that felt like. If not, discuss how you made peace with it (if you indeed have done so).
4) How would you describe "God's justice?"
5) Where do you see "injustice" in our world? What can you do about it?
Pray with and for each other (you can use the Lord's Prayer or sing the Doxology)
Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on each other's forehead and saying "The Lord Bless You and Keep You!"
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