Monday, April 1, 2019

Lent 2019: Week Four Study Guide

Week Four: The Most Wonderful Word in the Bible


Share your Highs and Lows for the week with each other. 


Read the Gospel lesson from this past Sunday (Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32).  What part of the reading intrigued you, interested you, confused you, enlightened you?



In his sermon, Pastor Dave talked about how far and wide does the forgiveness and grace of Jesus go. Some say to all people.  Others only the baptized believers.  

He quotes a sermon that says that the most wonderful word in the Bible is the word, "until".  As you read the parables in the 15th chapter of Luke you will notice that the God-figure (the shepherd searching for a lost sheep, the woman searching for a lost coin, and the father waiting for the lost son) all search "until" they find them.

So the question is, how long is "until"?  Is "until" ever over?  What are your initial reactions, struggles, concerns, etc. in considering God's grace?  God's love is generous and God's ways are not our ways.  How might this shape our own willingness to forgive others?


Pray for each other, the world, and then share the Lord's Prayer together


Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on the forehead and saying, "God loves you and so do I"

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